Carrinho vazio!

Livros em língua estrangeira

IMG-PRODUCT Baron Rio Branco - Ein brasilianischer Diplomat im kaiserlichen Berlin


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IMG-PRODUCT Bicentennial Partnership: Past, Present and Future of Brazil-United States Relations, A

In commemoration of the bicentenary of diplomatic relations between Brazil and the United States, FUNAG publishes the book “A bicentennial partnership: past, present and future of Brazil-United States relations”, organized by Professor Fernanda Petená Magnotta.

The work provides a detailed analysis

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IMG-PRODUCT Brasil e Índia: os 75 anos de relações diplomáticas e uma agenda para o futuro - edição português-inglês


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IMG-PRODUCT Brasil-Líbano: legado e futuro - em árabe


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IMG-PRODUCT Brazil and ASEAN: Partners for peace and development


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IMG-PRODUCT Brazil, BRICS and the International Agenda


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IMG-PRODUCT Brazilian Diplomatic Thought (three volumes)

FUNAG lança, na coleção História Diplomática, a versão em inglês da obra “Pensamento Diplomático Brasileiro”, composta por três volumes. O "Pensamento Diplomático Brasileiro - Formuladores e Agentes da Política Externa (1750-1964)" trata das concepções fundadoras e dos protagonistas do pensamento

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IMG-PRODUCT Brazilian Foreign Policy and Climate: Towards an Environmentally Responsible and Socially Just Brazil

This book identifies pathways for the Brazilian foreign policy to play a leading role in building a more democratic, environmentally responsible and socially just Brazil, global governance and world. Considering international cooperation as an indispensable tool for promoting fair, sovereign,

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IMG-PRODUCT Brazilian Foreign Policy Handbook

This collection of statements aims at presenting an overall view of Brazilian foreign policy guidelines in regard to a wide variety of international issues. Brazil`s coming of age in world politics has made it necessary for the country`s diplomatic agenda

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IMG-PRODUCT Brazilian Foreign Policy Handbook: Positions Adopted by Brazil in 2008-2009

The aim of this publication is to give an overview of the guidelines of Brazil\'s foreign policy in a wide variety of areas. The country\'s present position on the world stage means that its diplomatic agenda has become increasingly complex.

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IMG-PRODUCT Brazilian Foreign Policy under Lula: a Chronology (2003-2006)

The present volume contains the main facts related to Brazilian diplomacy in the first government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva during the period between January 1st, 2003 and December 31st, 2006. However, this is not a definitive or

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IMG-PRODUCT Brazilian Foreign Relations (1939-1950)


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IMG-PRODUCT Brazilian Views on South African Foreign Policy

The articles assembled in this book were elaborated by renowned political scientists, diplomats and economists and focus on political and economic aspects of South Africa\'s foreign policy. The preliminary texts of each study were the object of seminars, held in

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IMG-PRODUCT Brazil-India Relations: Beyond the 70 Years


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IMG-PRODUCT Brazil in the United Nations (1946-2011)


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IMG-PRODUCT Brazil: investment facilitation and the WTO


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IMG-PRODUCT Brazil, the Non-Proliferation Treaty and Latin America as a Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone

The publication, written in 1991 and submitted to the Department of War Studies of King`s College London analyzes the evolution of Brazilian policies relating to the nuclear non-proliferation regime. The main argument developed by the author throughout his investigation is

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IMG-PRODUCT Brazil-Turkey: Two Emerging Powers Intensify Relations

With forewords by the director of the Institute for Latin American Studies of the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Professor Dr. Detlef Nolte and by Ambassador of Brazil to Turkey, Eduardo Gradilone, the book presents relevant issues

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IMG-PRODUCT BRICS: Studies and Documents

This is the English translation of the book BRICS: estudos e documentos, published in 2015 by FUNAG. The book brings comprehends the reasons that led Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa to come together and seek dialogue regarding issues of

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IMG-PRODUCT Cabo das tormentas: ensaio sobre a obra de Guimarães Rosa


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IMG-PRODUCT Cadernos do IPRI - Número 11 . 1994 . As políticas exteriores da Argentina e do Brasil frente a um mundo em transição: diversidade, convergência e complementaridade


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IMG-PRODUCT Cambios en el poder estructural y países emergentes: el papel de Brasil como actor internacional


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IMG-PRODUCT Candidatura do Brasil ao Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas 2022-2023

A cartilha apresenta antecedentes, compromissos e prioridades da candidatura brasileira ao Conselho. O pleito brasileiro, candidato único pelo Grupo Latino-Americano e Caribenho (GRULAC), está ancorado nos históricos compromissos do país com a paz e a segurança internacionais e com a

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IMG-PRODUCT Carolina Maria de Jesus: uma voz insubmissa na literatura brasileira


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IMG-PRODUCT Cartilha - Candidatura do Brasil ao Conselho de Direitos Humanos 2024-2026


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IMG-PRODUCT Catálogo bibliográfico Brasil, Rússia, Índia, China e África do Sul-BRICS = Bibliographic Catalogue Brazil, Rússia, Índia, China and South África-BRICS

This bibliographic catalogue presents a set of fundamental readings about Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, offering a small sample of the most representative works in Literature, Social Sciences and other fields of knowledge from each of the five

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IMG-PRODUCT Catálogo bibliográfico Índia-Brasil-África do Sul (IBAS) . Bibliographic Catalogue India-Brazil-South Africa (IBSA)


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IMG-PRODUCT Challenges and Opportunities in the Brazil-Asia Relationship in the Perspective of Young Diplomats


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IMG-PRODUCT Challenges: United Kingdom and Brazil

The papers assembled in this book were presented during the United Kingdom and Brazil Seminar, which took place in September 18-19, 1997, in Rio de Janeiro.

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IMG-PRODUCT Chile y Brasil: desafíos de la cuenca del Pacífico


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IMG-PRODUCT Como entender Rachel de Queiroz?


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IMG-PRODUCT Comunidade Sul-Americana de Nações: documentos

Documents approved in the III Meeting of Presidents of South America (Cusco, 8 December 2004)

Documents approved in the I Meeting of Heads of State of the South American  Community of Nations (Brasilia, 30 September 2005)

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IMG-PRODUCT Conselho de estado e a política externa do Império: consultas da seção dos Negócios Estrangeiros (1875-1889), O


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IMG-PRODUCT Constituições da América Latina e Caribe - Volume III

Contém as constituições dos países: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicarágua e Panamá.

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IMG-PRODUCT Creating the Biofuture: a Report on the State of the Low Carbon Bioeconomy

The report on Creating the BIofuture is part of the original mandate and work plan of the Biofuture Platform. The intention is to oŽ er a comprehensive “birds-eye view” of the state of the low carbon bioeconomy and the policies

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IMG-PRODUCT Curso para Diplomatas Sul-Americanos, IX (textos acadêmicos)


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IMG-PRODUCT Curso para Diplomatas Sul-Americanos, V (textos acadêmicos)

Textos apresentados no V Curso para Diplomatas Sul-Americanos, no Palácio Itamaraty, RJ, de 7 a 30 de outubro de 2008.

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This book comprises the discussions recorded in two roundtables organized by FUNAG, attended by academics, journalists and businessmen, along with diplomats and negotiators who worked at meetings of the BRICS. Thus, it represents a suitable repository for updated information and

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IMG-PRODUCT Derecho internacional en América Latina

Este libro de Derecho Internacional en América Latina, escrito por el profesor Wagner Menezes, incorpora un tema de particular densidad histórica, que abarca la doctrina jusinternacionalista clásica y la contemporánea en nuestra región, y su colocación en el contexto de

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IMG-PRODUCT Diálogo América del Sur-Países Árabes


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IMG-PRODUCT Diplomacy: Traditions, Changes, and Challenges

In this book, the author presents a complete and updated view of the world of diplomacy, from the main concepts, their historical foundations to the challenges of the present and the prospects for the future. It is an accessible guide

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IMG-PRODUCT Direction of Chinese Global Investments: Implications for Brazil

The book concerns the global destination of Chinese investments and their impact on Brazil. Edited by Professor Ana Jaguaribe, director of the Institute for Brazil-China Studies (IBRACH), the publication is part of a joint endeavor of the academy, companies, and

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IMG-PRODUCT Don Casmurro - Machado de Assis

Don Casmurro, Enigma y Fascinación. Cualquier afirmación categórica sobre Machado de Assis es como mínimo arriesgada, pero quizá Don Casmurro sea, seguido de cerca o junto con Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas, la novela más estudiada por la crítica y

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IMG-PRODUCT Duas vidas de Joaquim Nabuco: o reformador e o diplomata, As


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IMG-PRODUCT Encontro de Juristas da América Latina e do Caribe, I - vol. VI - Reflexões


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IMG-PRODUCT Energy Statecraft of Brazil: the Rise and Fall of Brazil´s Ethanol Diplomacy, The


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IMG-PRODUCT Ensaios sobre Graciliano Ramos


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IMG-PRODUCT Entre galhofa e saudades: à procura da convivialidade. Machado de Assis à luz de seu último romance


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IMG-PRODUCT Estatísticas - Outubro de 2008 . Statistics - October 2008


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IMG-PRODUCT Estatísticas para o estudo das relações internacionais: maio de 2016 . Statistics for the study of international relations: May 2016

The book “Statistics for the Study of International Relations” was edited by FUNAG’s Institute for Research on International Relations and updated until May 2016. The bilingual publication brings information in Portuguese and English. The book includes data that represent sources of

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IMG-PRODUCT Estatísticas/Statistics - Outubro de 2009


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IMG-PRODUCT Estratégias: Índia e Brasil


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IMG-PRODUCT Euclides da Cunha: polifonia e paixão


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IMG-PRODUCT First Course for African Diplomats - 5 a 30 july,2010 - Palace Itamaraty -RJ


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IMG-PRODUCT Foreign Policy Decision-Making under the Geisel Government

This thesis seeks to provide an explanation for the contents of three foreign policy decisions implemented under the government of General Ernesto Geisel (1974-1979). It does so by analyzing the decision-making process which led Brazil: 1) to abstain in the

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IMG-PRODUCT Fronteira norte: demarcando e aproximando a Amazônia - Primeira Comissão Brasileira Demarcadora de Limites


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IMG-PRODUCT Geopolítica das drogas, A (texto acadêmicos)


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IMG-PRODUCT Gilberto Amado: Memorial Lectures . Conférences Commémoratives

The second edition of the Gilberto Amado Memorial Lectures remembers the Brazilian jurist´s contribution in shaping and establishing the International Law Commission as well as the commitment to international law as a foundation for stable and peaceful relations among nations.

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IMG-PRODUCT Global Governance: Crossed Perceptions

This book provides the readers with a balanced narrative from different perceptions of the recent evolution of international relations affecting global governance. Overall, these essays represent more than an effort to understand the world. They constitute an interesting testimony of

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IMG-PRODUCT Gonçalves Dias: o exílio como forma


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IMG-PRODUCT Grupo de reflexão prospectiva sobre o MERCOSUL


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IMG-PRODUCT Grupo do Rio e a globalização: grupo de reflexão de alto nível - contribuições e documento final, O


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IMG-PRODUCT Herança africana no Brasil e no Caribe, A . The African Heritage in Brazil and the Caribbean


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IMG-PRODUCT Hilda Hilst: uma apresentação


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IMG-PRODUCT Iguaçu +20: dia da amizade Brasil-Argentina


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IMG-PRODUCT Imagens da diplomacia brasileira . Images of Brazilian Diplomacy


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IMG-PRODUCT Importancia de España para Brasil: historia y perspectivas, La


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IMG-PRODUCT Independencia del Paraguay y el Imperio del Brasil, La

R. Antonio Ramos was the Paraguayan historian who dedicated the greatest efforts towards the study of the diplomatic relations cultivated between the Republic of Paraguay and the Empire of Brazil in the first half of the 19th century. The book

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IMG-PRODUCT India and Brazil in the Global Multilateral Order


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IMG-PRODUCT Integración: sueño y realidade en Sudamérica

Este compendio tiene por objeto promover el debate acerca de la importancia de Sudamérica para el Brasil hoy. Los textos aquí reunidos fueron escritos durante los últimos cuatro años, y se publicaron en varios medios de la prensa nacional e

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IMG-PRODUCT Inventário de Organizações e regimes internacionais de não-proliferação


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IMG-PRODUCT Investing in Brazil: a Legal and Practical Guide


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IMG-PRODUCT Josué de Castro y la diplomacia del hambre


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IMG-PRODUCT Lima Barreto, um escritor militante e esquecido: quando silêncio combina com barulho


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IMG-PRODUCT Literatura de Clarice Lispector: caminhos e desvios, A


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IMG-PRODUCT Memoirs of a Mould Removing Diplomat: Brazilian Foreign Policy Stories From 1948 to Date

From the perspective of a Brazilian foreign service employee, the memoirs of the Ambassador Ovidio de Andrade Melo encompass important moments for the foreign policy of the country, such as the Robore Agreements, the colonial issues at the United Nations,

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IMG-PRODUCT MERCOSUR: proyecto, realidad y perspectivas


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IMG-PRODUCT Missão Paranhos ao Prata (1864-1865): diplomacia e política na eclosão da Guerra do Paraguai, A


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IMG-PRODUCT Modernismos em transe: a religião e a ordem em Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, Mário de Andrade e Alceu Amoroso Lima


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IMG-PRODUCT National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security


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IMG-PRODUCT Novas estruturas de governança global . Emerging Structure of Global Governance, 22 de abril de 2010 - Brasília-DF


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IMG-PRODUCT Participação social como método de governo: um mapeamento das interfaces socioestatais nos programas federais . Participación social como método de gobierno: un mapeo de las interfaces socio-estatales en los programas federales


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IMG-PRODUCT Peace Through Dialogue: The contribution of regional, subregional and bilateral arrangements to the prevention and peaceful resolution of disputes / Open debate hosted by Brazil October 20th, 2023


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IMG-PRODUCT Pensamiento diplomático brasileño (tres volúmenes)

FUNAG lança, na coleção História Diplomática, a versão em espanhol da obra “Pensamento Diplomático Brasileiro”, composta por três volumes. O "Pensamento Diplomático Brasileiro - Formuladores e Agentes da Política Externa (1750-1964)" trata das concepções fundadoras e dos protagonistas do pensamento

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IMG-PRODUCT Political Economy of Brazilian Foreign Policy: Nuclear Energy, Trade and Itaipu, The

This publication fills the increasing demand for analyses about the Brazilian diplomacy, from the best comprehension of the Brazilian positioning in non-proliferation treaties to the Additional Protocol of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), or the Brazilian attitude toward themes

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IMG-PRODUCT Quest for Autonomy: the Evolution of Brazil´s Role in the International System (1964-1985), The

Andrew Hurrell’s doctorate thesis on Brazilian foreign policy, defended at Oxford, in 1986, allies the finesse of a creative political scientist and the skill of an accomplished historian as it analyses relations with the US while Brazil was under the

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IMG-PRODUCT Quest for Regional Integration in Africa, Latin America and Beyond in the Twenty First Century: Experience, Progress and Prospects - Rhetoric versus Reality - A Comparative Study, The

This book is an outcome of different researches, encounters and series of lectures about the quest for integration in Africa and Latin America.

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IMG-PRODUCT Relations between Brazil and Philippines: an Overview

In his overview of Brazil-Philippine relations, Fr Aleixo\'s painstaking research encompasses the historical, political, economic, cultural and social dimensions of these relations. He documents the affinities between two kindred peoples and weaves them into their proper context, as he did

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IMG-PRODUCT Righteous among the Nations: Souza Dantas and Raoul Wallenberg


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IMG-PRODUCT Rio Branco, América del Sur y la modernización del Brasil


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IMG-PRODUCT Rio Seminar on Autonomous Weapons Systems

The Rio Seminar on Autonomous Weapons Systems, held in Rio de Janeiro at the Naval War College on February 20, 2020, aimed at contributing to the debate on the governance of emerging technologies in LAWS (Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems) under

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IMG-PRODUCT Road Ahead: The 21st Century World Order in the Eyes of Policy Planners, The


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IMG-PRODUCT Role of Regional Integration in Conflict Prevention, Management, and Resolution in Africa: the Case of African Union, The

This book seeks to trace and evaluate the performance of various mechanisms established by the African Union since its inception in 1963 to manage the current African situation. This work cites different case studies such as Burundi, the Democratic Republic

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IMG-PRODUCT Rui Barbosa: uma personalidade multifacetada. Rui Barbosa: a Multifaceted Personality


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IMG-PRODUCT Security Council for the 21st Century: Challenges and Prospects, A


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IMG-PRODUCT Solução de controvérsias na Organização Mundial do Comércio


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IMG-PRODUCT Southern Africa´s Responses to International HIV/AIDS Norms (1990-2005): the Politics of Assimilation

The southern African region has the worst HIV/AIDS epidemic in the world. In some countries, HIV infection affects nearly 40% of the adult population. This work shows that, despite the formal commitment of the governments of the region to follow

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IMG-PRODUCT South-South Cooperation Activities Carried Out by Brazil


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IMG-PRODUCT Souza Dantas: Justo entre las Naciones


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IMG-PRODUCT Tarsila do Amaral e Oswald de Andrade na sábia preguiça solar: fervor das vanguardas


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IMG-PRODUCT Understanding Brazil: a Reader´s Guide

Capistrano de Abreu said that to have an intelligent overview of Brazil one first had to read a series of \"conscientious monographs\". An intelligent overview, therefore, however individual it may be, is always the result of a collective effort that

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IMG-PRODUCT Universal Obligation of Nuclear Disarmament, The


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IMG-PRODUCT Viajantes de língua alemã no Brasil do século XIX


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IMG-PRODUCT Voice of Brazil in the United Nations (1946-1995), The


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IMG-PRODUCT Womanly Face of Peace: a Brazilian Perspective on the 20th Anniversary of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda of the United Nations Security Council, The

This work was originally composed as a dissertation for the Higher Studies Course of the Rio Branco Institute, the Brazilian diplomatic academy. Due to its relevance to the United Nations agenda on women, peace and security, it was published by

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Baron Rio Branco - Ein brasilianischer Diplomat im kaiserlichen Berlin
Bicentennial Partnership: Past, Present and Future of Brazil-United States Relations, A
Brasil e Índia: os 75 anos de relações diplomáticas e uma agenda para o futuro - edição português-inglês
Brasil-Líbano: legado e futuro - em árabe
Brazil and ASEAN: Partners for peace and development
Brazil, BRICS and the International Agenda
Brazilian Diplomatic Thought (three volumes)
Brazilian Foreign Policy and Climate: Towards an Environmentally Responsible and Socially Just Brazil
Brazilian Foreign Policy Handbook
Brazilian Foreign Policy Handbook: Positions Adopted by Brazil in 2008-2009
Brazilian Foreign Policy under Lula: a Chronology (2003-2006)
Brazilian Foreign Relations (1939-1950)
Brazilian Views on South African Foreign Policy
Brazil-India Relations: Beyond the 70 Years
Brazil in the United Nations (1946-2011)
Brazil: investment facilitation and the WTO
Brazil, the Non-Proliferation Treaty and Latin America as a Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone
Brazil-Turkey: Two Emerging Powers Intensify Relations
BRICS: Studies and Documents
Cabo das tormentas: ensaio sobre a obra de Guimarães Rosa
Cadernos do IPRI - Número 11 . 1994 . As políticas exteriores da Argentina e do Brasil frente a um mundo em transição: diversidade, convergência e complementaridade
Cambios en el poder estructural y países emergentes: el papel de Brasil como actor internacional
Candidatura do Brasil ao Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas 2022-2023
Carolina Maria de Jesus: uma voz insubmissa na literatura brasileira
Cartilha - Candidatura do Brasil ao Conselho de Direitos Humanos 2024-2026
Catálogo bibliográfico Brasil, Rússia, Índia, China e África do Sul-BRICS = Bibliographic Catalogue Brazil, Rússia, Índia, China and South África-BRICS
Catálogo bibliográfico Índia-Brasil-África do Sul (IBAS) . Bibliographic Catalogue India-Brazil-South Africa (IBSA)
Challenges and Opportunities in the Brazil-Asia Relationship in the Perspective of Young Diplomats
Challenges: United Kingdom and Brazil
Chile y Brasil: desafíos de la cuenca del Pacífico
Como entender Rachel de Queiroz?
Comunidade Sul-Americana de Nações: documentos
Conselho de estado e a política externa do Império: consultas da seção dos Negócios Estrangeiros (1875-1889), O
Constituições da América Latina e Caribe - Volume III
Creating the Biofuture: a Report on the State of the Low Carbon Bioeconomy
Curso para Diplomatas Sul-Americanos, IX (textos acadêmicos)
Curso para Diplomatas Sul-Americanos, V (textos acadêmicos)
Debating BRICS
Derecho internacional en América Latina
Diálogo América del Sur-Países Árabes
Diplomacy: Traditions, Changes, and Challenges
Direction of Chinese Global Investments: Implications for Brazil
Don Casmurro - Machado de Assis
Duas vidas de Joaquim Nabuco: o reformador e o diplomata, As
Encontro de Juristas da América Latina e do Caribe, I - vol. VI - Reflexões
Energy Statecraft of Brazil: the Rise and Fall of Brazil´s Ethanol Diplomacy, The
Ensaios sobre Graciliano Ramos
Entre galhofa e saudades: à procura da convivialidade. Machado de Assis à luz de seu último romance
Estatísticas - Outubro de 2008 . Statistics - October 2008
Estatísticas para o estudo das relações internacionais: maio de 2016 . Statistics for the study of international relations: May 2016
Estatísticas/Statistics - Outubro de 2009
Estratégias: Índia e Brasil
Euclides da Cunha: polifonia e paixão
First Course for African Diplomats - 5 a 30 july,2010 - Palace Itamaraty -RJ
Foreign Policy Decision-Making under the Geisel Government
Fronteira norte: demarcando e aproximando a Amazônia - Primeira Comissão Brasileira Demarcadora de Limites
Geopolítica das drogas, A (texto acadêmicos)
Gilberto Amado: Memorial Lectures . Conférences Commémoratives
Global Governance: Crossed Perceptions
Gonçalves Dias: o exílio como forma
Grupo de reflexão prospectiva sobre o MERCOSUL
Grupo do Rio e a globalização: grupo de reflexão de alto nível - contribuições e documento final, O
Herança africana no Brasil e no Caribe, A . The African Heritage in Brazil and the Caribbean
Hilda Hilst: uma apresentação
Iguaçu +20: dia da amizade Brasil-Argentina
Imagens da diplomacia brasileira . Images of Brazilian Diplomacy
Importancia de España para Brasil: historia y perspectivas, La
Independencia del Paraguay y el Imperio del Brasil, La
India and Brazil in the Global Multilateral Order
Integración: sueño y realidade en Sudamérica
Inventário de Organizações e regimes internacionais de não-proliferação
Investing in Brazil: a Legal and Practical Guide
Josué de Castro y la diplomacia del hambre
Lima Barreto, um escritor militante e esquecido: quando silêncio combina com barulho
Literatura de Clarice Lispector: caminhos e desvios, A
Memoirs of a Mould Removing Diplomat: Brazilian Foreign Policy Stories From 1948 to Date
MERCOSUR: proyecto, realidad y perspectivas
Missão Paranhos ao Prata (1864-1865): diplomacia e política na eclosão da Guerra do Paraguai, A
Modernismos em transe: a religião e a ordem em Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, Mário de Andrade e Alceu Amoroso Lima
National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security
Novas estruturas de governança global . Emerging Structure of Global Governance, 22 de abril de 2010 - Brasília-DF
Participação social como método de governo: um mapeamento das interfaces socioestatais nos programas federais . Participación social como método de gobierno: un mapeo de las interfaces socio-estatales en los programas federales
Peace Through Dialogue: The contribution of regional, subregional and bilateral arrangements to the prevention and peaceful resolution of disputes / Open debate hosted by Brazil October 20th, 2023
Pensamiento diplomático brasileño (tres volúmenes)
Political Economy of Brazilian Foreign Policy: Nuclear Energy, Trade and Itaipu, The
Quest for Autonomy: the Evolution of Brazil´s Role in the International System (1964-1985), The
Quest for Regional Integration in Africa, Latin America and Beyond in the Twenty First Century: Experience, Progress and Prospects - Rhetoric versus Reality - A Comparative Study, The
Relations between Brazil and Philippines: an Overview
Righteous among the Nations: Souza Dantas and Raoul Wallenberg
Rio Branco, América del Sur y la modernización del Brasil
Rio Seminar on Autonomous Weapons Systems
Road Ahead: The 21st Century World Order in the Eyes of Policy Planners, The
Role of Regional Integration in Conflict Prevention, Management, and Resolution in Africa: the Case of African Union, The
Rui Barbosa: uma personalidade multifacetada. Rui Barbosa: a Multifaceted Personality
Security Council for the 21st Century: Challenges and Prospects, A
Solução de controvérsias na Organização Mundial do Comércio
Southern Africa´s Responses to International HIV/AIDS Norms (1990-2005): the Politics of Assimilation
South-South Cooperation Activities Carried Out by Brazil
Souza Dantas: Justo entre las Naciones
Tarsila do Amaral e Oswald de Andrade na sábia preguiça solar: fervor das vanguardas
Understanding Brazil: a Reader´s Guide
Universal Obligation of Nuclear Disarmament, The
Viajantes de língua alemã no Brasil do século XIX
Voice of Brazil in the United Nations (1946-1995), The
Womanly Face of Peace: a Brazilian Perspective on the 20th Anniversary of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda of the United Nations Security Council, The