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IMG-PRODUCT Brasil e Índia: os 75 anos de relações diplomáticas e uma agenda para o futuro - edição português-inglês


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R$ 26,00
IMG-PRODUCT Brazilian Diplomatic Thought (three volumes)

FUNAG lança, na coleção História Diplomática, a versão em inglês da obra “Pensamento Diplomático Brasileiro”, composta por três volumes. O "Pensamento Diplomático Brasileiro - Formuladores e Agentes da Política Externa (1750-1964)" trata das concepções fundadoras e dos protagonistas do pensamento

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R$ 68,00
IMG-PRODUCT Brazilian Foreign Relations (1939-1950)


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R$ 21,00
IMG-PRODUCT Brazil, the Non-Proliferation Treaty and Latin America as a Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone

The publication, written in 1991 and submitted to the Department of War Studies of King`s College London analyzes the evolution of Brazilian policies relating to the nuclear non-proliferation regime. The main argument developed by the author throughout his investigation is

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R$ 21,00
IMG-PRODUCT Brazil-Turkey: Two Emerging Powers Intensify Relations

With forewords by the director of the Institute for Latin American Studies of the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Professor Dr. Detlef Nolte and by Ambassador of Brazil to Turkey, Eduardo Gradilone, the book presents relevant issues

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R$ 21,00
IMG-PRODUCT BRICS: Studies and Documents

This is the English translation of the book BRICS: estudos e documentos, published in 2015 by FUNAG. The book brings comprehends the reasons that led Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa to come together and seek dialogue regarding issues of

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R$ 21,00
IMG-PRODUCT Cambios en el poder estructural y países emergentes: el papel de Brasil como actor internacional


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R$ 26,00
IMG-PRODUCT Curso para Diplomatas Sul-Americanos, V (textos acadêmicos)

Textos apresentados no V Curso para Diplomatas Sul-Americanos, no Palácio Itamaraty, RJ, de 7 a 30 de outubro de 2008.

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R$ 15,00

This book comprises the discussions recorded in two roundtables organized by FUNAG, attended by academics, journalists and businessmen, along with diplomats and negotiators who worked at meetings of the BRICS. Thus, it represents a suitable repository for updated information and

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R$ 15,00
IMG-PRODUCT Diplomacy: Traditions, Changes, and Challenges

In this book, the author presents a complete and updated view of the world of diplomacy, from the main concepts, their historical foundations to the challenges of the present and the prospects for the future. It is an accessible guide

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R$ 15,00
IMG-PRODUCT Direction of Chinese Global Investments: Implications for Brazil

The book concerns the global destination of Chinese investments and their impact on Brazil. Edited by Professor Ana Jaguaribe, director of the Institute for Brazil-China Studies (IBRACH), the publication is part of a joint endeavor of the academy, companies, and

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R$ 21,00
IMG-PRODUCT Energy Statecraft of Brazil: the Rise and Fall of Brazil´s Ethanol Diplomacy, The


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R$ 21,00
IMG-PRODUCT Estatísticas - Outubro de 2008 . Statistics - October 2008


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R$ 9,00
IMG-PRODUCT Estatísticas para o estudo das relações internacionais: maio de 2016 . Statistics for the study of international relations: May 2016

The book “Statistics for the Study of International Relations” was edited by FUNAG’s Institute for Research on International Relations and updated until May 2016. The bilingual publication brings information in Portuguese and English. The book includes data that represent sources of

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R$ 15,00


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R$ 21,00
IMG-PRODUCT Foreign Policy Decision-Making under the Geisel Government

This thesis seeks to provide an explanation for the contents of three foreign policy decisions implemented under the government of General Ernesto Geisel (1974-1979). It does so by analyzing the decision-making process which led Brazil: 1) to abstain in the

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R$ 21,00
IMG-PRODUCT Geopolítica das drogas, A (texto acadêmicos)


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R$ 15,00
IMG-PRODUCT Herança africana no Brasil e no Caribe, A . The African Heritage in Brazil and the Caribbean


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R$ 21,00
IMG-PRODUCT Importancia de España para Brasil: historia y perspectivas, La


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R$ 15,00
IMG-PRODUCT Independencia del Paraguay y el Imperio del Brasil, La

R. Antonio Ramos was the Paraguayan historian who dedicated the greatest efforts towards the study of the diplomatic relations cultivated between the Republic of Paraguay and the Empire of Brazil in the first half of the 19th century. The book

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R$ 32,00
IMG-PRODUCT Josué de Castro y la diplomacia del hambre


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R$ 21,00
IMG-PRODUCT Memoirs of a Mould Removing Diplomat: Brazilian Foreign Policy Stories From 1948 to Date

From the perspective of a Brazilian foreign service employee, the memoirs of the Ambassador Ovidio de Andrade Melo encompass important moments for the foreign policy of the country, such as the Robore Agreements, the colonial issues at the United Nations,

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R$ 15,00
IMG-PRODUCT National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security


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R$ 9,00
IMG-PRODUCT Peace Through Dialogue: The contribution of regional, subregional and bilateral arrangements to the prevention and peaceful resolution of disputes / Open debate hosted by Brazil October 20th, 2023


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R$ 15,00
IMG-PRODUCT Pensamiento diplomático brasileño (tres volúmenes)

FUNAG lança, na coleção História Diplomática, a versão em espanhol da obra “Pensamento Diplomático Brasileiro”, composta por três volumes. O "Pensamento Diplomático Brasileiro - Formuladores e Agentes da Política Externa (1750-1964)" trata das concepções fundadoras e dos protagonistas do pensamento

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IMG-PRODUCT Political Economy of Brazilian Foreign Policy: Nuclear Energy, Trade and Itaipu, The

This publication fills the increasing demand for analyses about the Brazilian diplomacy, from the best comprehension of the Brazilian positioning in non-proliferation treaties to the Additional Protocol of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), or the Brazilian attitude toward themes

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R$ 21,00
IMG-PRODUCT Quest for Autonomy: the Evolution of Brazil´s Role in the International System (1964-1985), The

Andrew Hurrell’s doctorate thesis on Brazilian foreign policy, defended at Oxford, in 1986, allies the finesse of a creative political scientist and the skill of an accomplished historian as it analyses relations with the US while Brazil was under the

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R$ 26,00
IMG-PRODUCT Righteous among the Nations: Souza Dantas and Raoul Wallenberg


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R$ 15,00
IMG-PRODUCT Road Ahead: The 21st Century World Order in the Eyes of Policy Planners, The


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R$ 21,00
IMG-PRODUCT Role of Regional Integration in Conflict Prevention, Management, and Resolution in Africa: the Case of African Union, The

This book seeks to trace and evaluate the performance of various mechanisms established by the African Union since its inception in 1963 to manage the current African situation. This work cites different case studies such as Burundi, the Democratic Republic

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R$ 21,00
IMG-PRODUCT Rui Barbosa: uma personalidade multifacetada. Rui Barbosa: a Multifaceted Personality


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R$ 21,00
IMG-PRODUCT Security Council for the 21st Century: Challenges and Prospects, A


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R$ 15,00
IMG-PRODUCT Southern Africa´s Responses to International HIV/AIDS Norms (1990-2005): the Politics of Assimilation

The southern African region has the worst HIV/AIDS epidemic in the world. In some countries, HIV infection affects nearly 40% of the adult population. This work shows that, despite the formal commitment of the governments of the region to follow

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R$ 21,00
IMG-PRODUCT Universal Obligation of Nuclear Disarmament, The


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R$ 15,00
IMG-PRODUCT Womanly Face of Peace: a Brazilian Perspective on the 20th Anniversary of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda of the United Nations Security Council, The

This work was originally composed as a dissertation for the Higher Studies Course of the Rio Branco Institute, the Brazilian diplomatic academy. Due to its relevance to the United Nations agenda on women, peace and security, it was published by

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R$ 15,00

Demais obras desta coleção estão disponíveis na Biblioteca Digital da FUNAG

Brasil e Índia: os 75 anos de relações diplomáticas e uma agenda para o futuro - edição português-inglês
Brazilian Diplomatic Thought (three volumes)
Brazilian Foreign Relations (1939-1950)
Brazil, the Non-Proliferation Treaty and Latin America as a Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone
Brazil-Turkey: Two Emerging Powers Intensify Relations
BRICS: Studies and Documents
Cambios en el poder estructural y países emergentes: el papel de Brasil como actor internacional
Curso para Diplomatas Sul-Americanos, V (textos acadêmicos)
Debating BRICS
Diplomacy: Traditions, Changes, and Challenges
Direction of Chinese Global Investments: Implications for Brazil
Energy Statecraft of Brazil: the Rise and Fall of Brazil´s Ethanol Diplomacy, The
Estatísticas - Outubro de 2008 . Statistics - October 2008
Estatísticas para o estudo das relações internacionais: maio de 2016 . Statistics for the study of international relations: May 2016
Foreign Policy Decision-Making under the Geisel Government
Geopolítica das drogas, A (texto acadêmicos)
Herança africana no Brasil e no Caribe, A . The African Heritage in Brazil and the Caribbean
Importancia de España para Brasil: historia y perspectivas, La
Independencia del Paraguay y el Imperio del Brasil, La
Josué de Castro y la diplomacia del hambre
Memoirs of a Mould Removing Diplomat: Brazilian Foreign Policy Stories From 1948 to Date
National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security
Peace Through Dialogue: The contribution of regional, subregional and bilateral arrangements to the prevention and peaceful resolution of disputes / Open debate hosted by Brazil October 20th, 2023
Pensamiento diplomático brasileño (tres volúmenes)
Political Economy of Brazilian Foreign Policy: Nuclear Energy, Trade and Itaipu, The
Quest for Autonomy: the Evolution of Brazil´s Role in the International System (1964-1985), The
Righteous among the Nations: Souza Dantas and Raoul Wallenberg
Road Ahead: The 21st Century World Order in the Eyes of Policy Planners, The
Role of Regional Integration in Conflict Prevention, Management, and Resolution in Africa: the Case of African Union, The
Rui Barbosa: uma personalidade multifacetada. Rui Barbosa: a Multifaceted Personality
Security Council for the 21st Century: Challenges and Prospects, A
Southern Africa´s Responses to International HIV/AIDS Norms (1990-2005): the Politics of Assimilation
Universal Obligation of Nuclear Disarmament, The
Womanly Face of Peace: a Brazilian Perspective on the 20th Anniversary of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda of the United Nations Security Council, The

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